To Elevate A Brand – Dream – Do – Dare

There are brands that are seen as peerless and priceless. They are able to sustain appeal, a price premium and a share of attention that seems disproportionate to a seemingly small investment in traditional advertising or promotion. We call such brands “Ueber-Brands” and we call the strategy they use to achieve their iconic status “Brand Elevation”. It’s a strategy we have been researching, modelling, writing about, applying and refining for over two decades now.

The article below – which first appeared in The European Business Review in July 2021 – explains why Brand Elevation should be of strategic importance to most brand builders. It summarizes the three phases that we have learned to be critical in getting a brand closer to that desirable “Ueber-Brand”** status. It also provides some of the examples and alludes to techniques that are laid-out in detail in our step-by-step guide “Brand Elevation – Lessons in Ueber-Branding” (see also Further Reading below)

Here is the article (click picture):



For deeper insights into what drives the success of ‘Ueber-Brands’** and for many, in-depth case studies illustrating those drivers, read our book “Rethinking Prestige Branding – Secrets of the Ueberbrands.

Brand Elevation – Lessons in Ueber-Branding” is our practical guide to help you give a brand meaning and making it peerless and priceless. It features many application examples as well as case studies shared first-hand by marketing leaders from brands as diverse as Airbnb, Acqua Di Parma, Starbucks, TerraCycle or Youtube.

Want us to help you elevate your own brand? – Write to us at

** ‘ueber’ = German for ‘above and beyond’ – just like the ambitions of brands we are talking about.

About JP Kuehlwein

JP Kuehlwein is a global business leader and brand builder with a 25+ year track record of translating consumer and brand insights into transformational propositions that win in market. Principal at ‘Ueber-Brands’ a New York consulting firm, he now helps others to elevate brands and make them peerless and priceless. JP also teaches brand strategy at NYU Stern and Columbia Business School and leads the Marketing Institute at The Conference Board, all in New York. Jp previously was Executive Vice President at Frédéric Fekkai & Co, a prestige salon operator and hair care brand and lead brand- and corporate strategy development and execution at multinational Procter & Gamble as Brand Director and Director of Strategy. JP and Wolf Schaefer have co-authored the best-selling books “Rethinking Prestige Branding – Secrets of the Ueber-Brands” which lays out what drives the success of modern premium brands and "Brand Elevation - Lessons in Ueber-Branding" a guide to developing and executing a brand elevation strategy. Find the books here:
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